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I am an MS student at Brown University studying CS. I work with Prof. Srinath Sridhar at the Interactive 3D Vision & Learning Lab (IVL). My research interests are in 3D computer vision, specifically, dynamic 3D reconstruction and hand-object interaction.

I recently graduated from Brown University (2024) with a BS in Computer Science. During my undergraduate years at Brown, I was a varsity athlete on the Brown Women's Gymnastics Team.


* equal contribution

Chen-You Lu*, Peisen Zhou*, Angela Xing*, Chandradeep Pokhariya, Arnab Dey, Ishaan N Shah, Rugved Mavidipalli, Dylan Hu, Andrew Comport, Kefan Chen, Srinath Sridhar

CVPR 2024

Chandradeep Pokhariya, Ishaan Nikhil Shah*, Angela Xing*, Zekun Li, Kefan Chen, Avinash Sharma, Srinath Sridhar

CVPR 2024